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"Education is the passport to the future,

for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today"

- Malcolm X


When embarking on a journey of change it’s crucial for leaders to have a clear working knowledge of what’s really transforming the world, and its implications. This goes beyond understanding the immediate competitive threat and prevailing trends in a given industry. A broader contextual perspective is needed since the disruption facing organizations is just as likely to come from outside their sector as within it.

Our Executive Leadership Programs are focused on building digital acumen, ensuring everyone on the Leadership Team is 'digitally fit', up to speed, and able to bring into sharp focus the major factors creating disruption and opportunity. We firmly believe this knowledge is required by organizations to collectively chart a path forward.



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Escaping The Red Queen Effect - Part 1 
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In Lewis Carroll's 'Through The Looking Glass' the Red Queen states, "It takes all the running you can do to stay in the same place" - a pertinent metaphor for business which highlights doing more of the same thing, albeit with more intensity, simply won't be enough to move a business forward in the face of unprecedented, and often unknown, competition.


The crux of  the conundrum for Business Leaders is just how do you innovate, with velocity, and at scale, to stay ahead of the market? After all, no-one wants to end up as the next chapter in the book of companies who aced it the first time but couldn’t do it again.


And for Sales Leaders, who want a fair share of the forecast $7Trn technology spend over the next 3 years, how do you evolve and rise to the new customer challenge? Where are you on the spectrum of selling commodities, to serving as a strategic advisor to the C-Suite?

In Escaping The Red Queen Effect Part 1: Promises and Perils In The 4th Industrial Era we examine the duality of this challenge for both business and sales leaders and set forth our insights and recommendations.        

Escaping The Red Queen Effect - Part 2 
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In Escaping The Red Queen Effect Part 2: Learning From Digital Business Leaders we share our observations, based on real world examples, of how winners in the 4th Industrial Revolution are responding, and how technology sellers themselves need to adapt to become strategic transformation advisers to the C-Suite.




The 'The 4th Industrial Paradox' is our foundation program, through it we share our observations on how the 4th Industrial Revolution is unfolding through the lenses of business, technology and society. We examine the impending ‘promise or peril’ paradox, and look at how organizations must embrace this as an opportunity to RE-IMAGINE BUSINESS RESPONSIBLY, for both GROWTH and GOOD – values that are not mutually exclusive.

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  • Provide a deeper understanding on how current and future technological progression is set to reshape business, and society at large


  • Elevate a sense of urgency to drive digital transformation in a sustainable and responsible way, whilst accelerating economic growth


  • Highlight key technology capabilities needed to deliver ‘innovation platforms’ on which organizations can build new businesses


  • Suggest a blueprint, outlining the key tenants required, to get started and move forward with confidence

Synopsis: Emerging technology breakthroughs, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, mixed realities, smart advisors, and distributed ledgers, are on the cusp of redefining our relationship to business, to life, and to the planet. Collectively known as the 4th Industrial Revolution, this ‘digital nucleus’ is characterized as an odd sounding ‘fusion’ of physical, digital and biological systems.


In its wake is the potential for an economic bifurcation. New business models will continue to disrupt industries, jobs and skills, and established social structures. It is, therefore, imperative that business and government leaders understand and internalize what is happening today, where this could lead in the future, the reasoning behind this, and the possible outcomes and consequences.


The unavoidable shift to a data driven, machine intelligent, society poses some paradoxical questions - not the least of which is how to ensure the ‘promises’ of digital outweigh the ‘perils’. There’s an undercurrent right now that would suggest the latter is in the ascendancy. However, our belief is that it can, and should, be the former.



  • Executive/senior business leaders


  • Government business ministers



  • Keynote / TED Talk


  • Roundtable & Panel Discussions


  • Written Articles


  • Executive Workshops


  • Interviews

For further information email
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